Category : Twitter Best Practices

Head & Shoulders raises its profile among Turkish basketball fans

Genart Medya > Twitter Best Practices
screen-shot-2016-12-12-at-14-33-40Head&Shoulders #KazanmakKafadaBaslar

Head&Shoulders #KazanmakKafadaBaslar

Twitter Marketing Success Stories’de görüntülemek için tıklayın.

Head & Shoulders raises its profile among Turkish basketball fans

Key results

  • 32% share of playoff conversation
  • 7.7M earned impressions
  • 20K site visits

The opportunity

Head & Shoulders Turkey (@HeadShouldersTR) knew that the Turkish Basketball League playoffs would generate a lot of lively conversation on Twitter. The brand hoped to strengthen its association with the sport and to build its brand message right into the playoff excitement.

@HeadShouldersTR took this opportunity to engage basketball fans when they were especially receptive, appealing to their passion and to their competitiveness with a unique Twitter campaign.

The Strategy

At the heart of @HeadShouldersTR’s campaign were two ideas: #KazanmakKafadaBaşlar, or ‘#LiveHeadFirst’, and Maçın Omuzlayanı – the man of the match, or more literally, ‘the player who shoulders the game’.

To kick things off, @HeadShouldersTR used Conversational Ads featuring the hashtag and inviting people to pick their favourite team. Each person who clicked one of the buttons to Tweet about their pick then spread the campaign to their followers organically.

@HeadShouldersTR Tweeted a personalised auto-reply to each participant with a Website Card. With one click, they would be taken to the Maçın Omuzlayanı voting site. @HeadShouldersTR also promoted a separate Website Card, not tied into the Conversational Ads, to bring additional fans to the voting site.

The voting site used Twitter’s API to provide another level of engagement: Fans could view the tournament schedule and click on games they wanted to watch, and then @HeadShouldersTR would Tweet reminders to them on match day.

During each game, fans could vote for the Maçın Omuzlayanı. Fans could then share their pick as a Tweet. @HeadShouldersTR had created custom Tweets for each choice, branded with the campaign hashtag.

1-Arrest attention with video.

@HeadShouldersTR used over 100 different videos throughout its campaign, including split-screen videos tailored to its Conversational Ads. Bringing the tournament action directly to people’s timelines was a smart play to win basketball fans’ attention.

2-Let fans share your brand message.

Conversational Ads feature call-to-action buttons that let people Tweet your content. In turn, their followers can spread the message further — and so on, to a wide and highly engaged audience.


3-Continue the conversation with auto-reply.

Setting up auto-replies for people who had Tweeted with the Conversational Ads ensured the one-to-one conversations continued. And by using Website Cards in those replies, @HeadShoulderTR provided another simple mechanism for people to engage with its brand.



4-Lead the conversation around big events.

With its strategy to engage fans throughout the tournament, @HeadShouldersTR took advantage of the widespread playoff conversation on Twitter, and claimed a large share of it.


The Success

People Tweeted with the campaign hashtag approximately 55,000 times during the campaign, accounting for 32% of all Twitter conversation around the playoffs. Almost 14 million paid impressions throughout the campaign generated over 300,000 engagements. People Tweeted @HeadShouldersTR’s Conversational Ads over 27,000 times, generating over 7.7 million earned impressions – for over 50,000 Turkish Lira (over €14,000) in earned media value. @HeadShouldersTR’s campaign brought over 20,000 visits to the voting website, where 2,000 fans voted for their Maçın Omuzlayanı.

Team sports like basketball have passionate audiences who feel unity and competition intensively. We thought that triggering those passion points is essential to create a sport marketing mechanism, and Twitter is one of the best options to create viral conversation through its Conversational Video.

Berkant Kuru, Head of Biddable Media, VivaKi Turkey

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Hands giving  okay sign2016 Yılının En Başarılı Twitter Kampanyaları

2016 Yılının En Başarılı Twitter Kampanyaları

Dünyanın önde gelen sosyal medya platformları arasında yer alan Twitter, birçok yönden aktif bir yılı geride bırakıyor. 2016 yılı boyunca kullanıcılar Twitter ile önemli olaylara anında ve canlı olarak tanıklık etti. Twitter geliştirdiği birçok ürünle de hem kullanıcıların kendilerini daha iyi ifade etmeleri sağladı hem de markaların kullanıcılarla doğrudan kurdukları iletişimi güçlendirdi.

“İlk Bakış” (First View), “Conversational Video”, Periscope markaların tüketicilere ulaşmalarını kolaylaştırdı. Coca-Cola, Nestle, TEB ve P&G gibi Türkiye’nin önde gelen markaları, Avrupa Kupası veya basketbol maçları benzeri özel etkinlikleri birer fırsat olarak alarak Twitter’ın ürünlerinden faydalandı ve birbirinden etkin kampanyalar başlatarak marka bilinirliklerini arttırdı, kullanıcılara mesajlarını güçlü bir şekilde iletti. İşte 2016’nın Twitter’da markalar açısından en başarılı kampanyalarından öne çıkanlar;

TEB – #KadınPatronlar

Twitter’ın Nisan ayında tanıttığı önemli ürünlerinden olan İlk Bakış’ı (First View) ilk uygulayan şirketlerden biri; finans sektöründen TEB oldu. @TEB kadın patronların iş hayatındaki ihtiyaçlarını bütünlüklü bir hizmet anlayışıyla çözme hedefiyle TEB Kadın Bankacılığı’nı (@teblekadin) kurduğu zaman, kadın patronların sahip olduğu ve yönettiği işletmelere danışmanlık ve finansal destek sağlamayı amaçladı. Bu projesini de kampanyasını yenilikçi ve daha önce denenmemiş bir yöntemle duyurmayı hedefledi. Banka, kadınların ekonomiye kattığı değeri vurgulayan TV reklamı kopyasını  #KadınPatronlar hashtagi ile TV ve diğer mecralarda yayınladı.


Reklamın televizyonlarda yayınlanmasından sadece birkaç saat sonra da @teblekadin Twitter üzerinde “İlk Bakış” kampanyasını başlattı ve video 3 milyondan fazla kişi tarafından izlenirken; hashtag ile ilgili yaklaşık olarak 4.600 mention yapıldı. 100 binden fazla kişi, video süresinin % 75’inden daha fazlasını izledi. “İlk Bakış” ile birlikte bu reklam, Türkiye’deki Twitter kullanıcılarının o gün gördüğü ilk reklam oldu.

Nestlé – #XpressleTrampa

Twitter üzerinde başarılı bir kampanya yürüten bir diğer marka da Nestlé oldu. @NescafeXpress ile Ağustos ayında düzenledikledikleri Xpress’le Trampa (#XpressleTrampa) kampanyası ile büyük başarılara imza attı.

Kampanya çerçevesinde iki takım oluşturuldu; her bir takımda bir Twitter ünlüsü ile hayallerini gerçekleştirmek isteyen bir kadın veya bir erkek yer aldı. Takımlar 19 gün boyunca 1700 kilometreyi; paraları olmadan sadece ellerindeki Nescafé Xpress’i değiştirerek (trampa ederek) kat ettiler.

Kampanya süresince Periscope üzerinden de belirli aralıklarla canlı yayınlar yapıldı. En son gün yapılan canlı Periscope  yayını 194.217 kişi tarafından izlenirken bu Türkiye’de en büyük izlenme oranlarından biri oldu.

Toplamda ise kampanya 250.771 kişi tarafından izlendi. Kampanyayla 848.000 kişiye ulaşıldı ve bu kitlenin %23’ü de videoyu izledi. Kampanya Twitter Nestle Aviator Awards’da birincilik ile ödüllendirildi.

Coca-Cola / #HaydiMilliTakim

Avrupa Kupası’nda Türkiye Milli Takımı’nı desteklemek için @CocaCola_TR’nin başlattığı #HaydiMilliTakım kampanyası sosyal medyada büyük ses getirdi. 27 Mayıs’ta başlayan 3 günlük kampanyada, kullanıcılardan öncelikle #HaydiMilliTakım hashtag’ini kullanarak turnuva için özel olarak hazırlanan yeni marşı tweet atarak ortaya çıkarmaları istendi. Ardından @CocaCola_TR adresinden videoyu izleyebildikleri kendilerine özel bir yanıt aldılar.


İkinci gün başlatılan “İlk Bakış” kampanyası ise ilgiyi katladı. Tüm gün boyunca marş, Twitter’da en çok izlenen reklam oldu. Son gün de kullanıcıların #HaydiMilliTakım hashtag’ini tıklayarak marşı paylaşmaları sağlandı. 3 gün sonunda kampanya 6 milyon etkileşim aldı ve hakkında 25 bine yakın tweet atıldı.


Türkiye Basketbol Ligi play-off’ları sırasında Twitter’daki taraftar etkileşimini fırsat olarak gören Head&Shoulders TR markası, spor ile bağını güçlendirerek marka mesajını play-off heyecanıyla birleştirmeyi başardı.

Kampanya iki önemli unsur üzerine kuruldu: ilki #kazanmakkafadabaslar ve maçın en iyi oyuncusunu seçen “Maçın Omuzlayanı”. Marka ilk olarak Twitter’ın “Conversational Video” ürününü kullanarak #kazanmakkafadabaslar hashtagiyle kullanıcılardan tuttukları takımı seçmelerini istedi. Seçimleriyle ilgili tweet atanlar böylelikle kampanyanın takipçilerine de duyurulmasını sağladı.

Aynı zamanda her tweet atana Head&Shoulders TR otomatik olarak özel bir yanıt vererek “Maçın Omuzlayanı”nı seçmesi için oylama yapılan bir websitesine yönlendirdi. Oylama websitesi, Twitter’ın API uygulamasını da kullandı ve böylelikle kullanıcılar izlemek istedikleri maçları seçebildiler. Marka da maç günü kullanıcılara tweet attı.

Kampanya sonucunda, #kazanmakkafadabaslar hashtagiyle yaklaşık 55 bin tweet atıldı ve bu rakam, playoff’lar sırasında atılan toplam tweetlerin %32’sini oluşturdu. Conversational Video (hashtag seçenekleri sunarak sohbet başlatan video) üzerinden 27 bin tweet atılarak, toplamda 7.7 milyon etkileşim gerçekleşti. Oylama websitesine 20 binden fazla ziyaret sağlandı ve Maçın Omuzlayanı için 2 bin kullanıcı oy kullandı.  

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algida-benimsecimimALGIDA #IceCreamFallFromTheSky

ALGIDA #IceCreamFallFromTheSky

A dessert brand soars into ice cream season with a TV and Twitter campaign 

Key results

  • 1,552% increase in brand mentions
  • 27.1% Promoted Trend engagement rate
  • 275K hashtag mentions

The opportunity

Although ice cream is hugely popular in Turkey, it’s not a snack that people consider very often in the off-season. This leads to a huge seasonality in ice cream sales, which mostly take place between June and August. Turkish ice cream company AlgidaTürkiye (@AlgidaTurkiye) wanted to start the ice cream season early by driving engagement among consumers and creating online buzz ahead of the summer months.

The strategy

@AlgidaTurkiye created an integrated digital marketing campaign around TV and Twitter — backed by print and digital activity — with the aim of bringing the joy of summer as early as possible to its target audience. The campaign was called “Ice Cream from the Sky.” Centering on the dream of a small child, it promised that thousands of ice creams would be dropped from the sky. @AlgidaTurkiye made this happen by using paramotors and balloons to deliver ice creams to five different cities in Turkey. For their city to be among these, consumers simply had to vote on Twitter.

The TV commercial aired at exactly 9pm on April 8 on every TV channel in Turkey. Ice cream lovers were then invited to Tweet the name of their city with the #icecreamfallfromthesky hashtag, which generated the maximum number of mentions. The five cities with the most votes were selected to host the ice cream “showers.”

The campaign, backed by a Promoted Trend, created genuine buzz and the hashtag #icecreamfallfromthesky also trended organically just 10 minutes after the TV ad aired. To encourage more people to get involved in voting,@AlgidaTurkiye promoted customized Tweets for the cities before announcing the winners on Twitter.

Excite your audience with a unique experience.

The campaign created a special experience for consumers with the magical idea of ice cream falling from the sky. This caught the imagination of @AlgidaTurkiye’s audience and encouraged them to take part in the Twitter vote to make their city one of the five which would receive the ice cream.

Use a Promoted Trend to get people talking.

@AlgidaTurkiye used a Promoted Trend to launch its campaign on Twitter. This gave it a high-profile presence on the platform and helped the brand spark conversation. The conversation grew so much that the campaign hashtag also trended organically, amplifying @AlgidaTurkiye’s reach even more.

Create a competition to drive engagement.

To make this campaign feel completely inclusive to different parts of Turkey, @AlgidaTurkiye created a competition that would bring communities together, encouraging consumers to champion their own cities.

Additionally, the company ensured that the competition was easy to enter. All participants had to do was Tweet with the hashtag and their city name.

The success

@AlgidaTurkiye significantly increased reach and brand conversations during the course of its campaign, and saw sales rise by 6%. Overall, #icecreamfallfromthesky racked up 275,000 mentions. It also helped generate a 1,552% increase in brand mentions during the campaign period.

@AlgidaTurkiye attracted 7,000 new followers and garnered more than 250,000 votes via Tweets. The engagement rate was strong throughout, peaking at 27.1% during the Promoted Trend.

‘’Twitter gave us the opportunity to make a dream come true, truly by people’s choice. Also, by using it as a dynamic communication platform, we were able to reach more people who wanted to join us in experiencing the joy falling from the sky, instantly.’’ Leyal Eskin Yilmaz (@LeyalEskin), Marketing Director, Algida

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cocacolaturkey-quoteCOCA-COLA #ComeOnNationalTeam

COCA-COLA #ComeOnNationalTeam

Coca-Cola Turkey reinforces a football sponsorship with First View

Key results

3%+ peak engagement rate

6M impressions in three days

25K Tweets in campaign conversation

The opportunity

As the longtime sponsor of the Turkish national football team, Coca-Cola Turkey (@CocaCola_TR) was well positioned to share in the excitement – and the Tweets – around Euro 2016. It had an opportunity to reinforce its status as team sponsor, and to grow its audience on Twitter.

The strategy

@CocaCola_TR created a three-day journey for Twitter users, encouraging them to share their love for the Turkish team and to spread the campaign message in a new way each day.

First, it invited users to Tweet to Unlock a new “national anthem” for the Turkish team, using the hashtag #HaydiMilliTakım(#ComeOnNationalTeam). Users received personalised responses from @CocaCola_TR, featuring the music video.

The next day, @CocaCola_TR ran a First View, giving its campaign huge exposure. Its video of the anthem stayed in the top ad spot for all Twitter users in Turkey all day, and #HaydiMilliTakım ran as the top trend.

On the third day, @CocaCola_TR Tweeted a Conversational Video, making it simple for users to share the anthem with their own followers by clicking on the hashtag.

1.Grab the headline with First View.

Using First View gave @CocaCola_TR the widest possible Twitter audience in Turkey, creating mass awareness and inviting mass participation in its campaign.

2.Drive sharing with Conversational Video.

By adding a strong call-to-action and customisable buttons to Promoted Video, Conversational Video encourages users to share your brand’s message with their own followers. The fun conversational format generates massive earned video reach through social sharing.

The success

Over its three days, the #HaydiMilliTakım campaign generated six million impressions, and 25 thousand user Tweets. Its average engagement rate was 2.2%, peaking at 3.04%. By raising awareness and generating conversation, @CocaCola_TRreinforced the strong relationship between its brand and the Turkish national team.

“Twitter enabled us to capture the community and encourage consumer engagement whilst spreading our campaign message through customized responses. We extended our presence through a 3-day journey, creating opportunities to positively feed brand awareness and brand attitude. ” Coca-Cola Türkiye

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teb-kadin-1TEB’LE KADIN #KadınPatronlar

TEB’LE KADIN #KadınPatronlar

Turkish banking service @TEBleKadın takes its new TV ad further with First View

Key results

  • 4.6K hashtag mentions
  • 3M+ video views
  • 100K+ video views >75%

The opportunity

When @TEB launched its Women’s Banking project (@teblekadin), offering consultative as well as financial services to women-led SMEs, it wanted to build a campaign as innovative and holistic as its new venture.

The strategy

The bank created a TV ad celebrating the role of women-led businesses in a growing economy, and included the hashtag #KadınPatronlar (#WomenBosses) on screen. Just a few hours after the ad premiered on all Turkish TV channels, @TEB featured it in a Twitter First View campaign.

With First View, the video was the first ad Twitter users in Turkey saw that day – and the campaign hashtag #KadınPatronlar remained at the top of the trending topics list as the day’s Promoted Trend.

Build your campaign around an international event.

As many as 65% of users in Turkey use Twitter while watching TV. Of those 81% Tweet about adverts during shows.* @TEB launched its #KadınPatronlar ad at 9pm, kicking off a Twitter conversation. Its First View started at 12am and ensured the conversation continued throughout the next day.

Drive your brand conversation further.

@TEB closely monitored the hashtag, and made sure to amplify the voices of others and make its own voice heard. It engaged with users, and answered the questions users had Tweeted using the hashtag. When influential people Tweeted about #KadınPatronlar@TEB and its sub-brands Retweeted them.

The success

First View delivered @TEB’s #KadınPatronlar ad to a wide, engaged audience. The video was viewed three million times on Twitter, with over 100,000 of those views reaching at least the 75% mark. Twitter users mentioned the campaign hashtag almost 5,000 times and the bank gained hundreds of new followers on the day of its First View.

“TEB is among the most innovative banks, thanks to projects that are ‘firsts’. We also make use of ‘firsts’ in the launch and promotion of our projects. We were delighted not only to be the first finance brand to use First View, but also to achieve very successful results.” Zeynep Demirkol, Brand and Communications Director, Türk Ekonomi Bankası (TEB)

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Turkish Airlines uses Periscope to live broadcast a flight

Key results

  • 25K viewers
  • 5K new followers
  • 290K Periscope likes

The opportunity

Turkish Airlines (@TurkishAirlines) wanted to tap into the curiosity that people have about flying and do something unique. With the increasing appeal of live broadcasting, Periscope and Twitter provided the perfect platform to create original content that demonstrated how the airline was at the cutting-edge of technology.

The strategy

With the help of the crew, @TurkishAirlines broadcast a live stream of a flight from Istanbul to New York. To make sure it got the necessary approvals, it followed aviation guidelines and was careful not to broadcast live in-flight video in the cockpit.

The use of Periscope during the flight provided a great opportunity for @TurkishAirlines to talk about its quality customer service offerings. The fact that it was live and without any “editing” meant that viewers could see all of this in action.

1.Build buzz with live Periscope broadcasts.

In relatively early days for brands on Periscope,@TurkishAirlines saw an opportunity to get ahead of its rivals and create the first live in-flight broadcast. This allowed it to reinforce its position as a leader in innovation.

2.Reach the right audiences.

@TurkishAirlines supported the broadcast with Promoted Tweets targeting frequent flyers and those interested in aviation, promoting some Tweets the night before to encourage users to tune in. It also Tweeted organically throughout the flight, to make sure its million-plus followers didn’t miss out.

3.Make it interactive to drive engagement.

To make the broadcast more engaging, @TurkishAirlinesanswered questions from viewers while crew members asked questions about aviation and rewarded correct answers. This ensured a two-way conversation between those tuning in at home and the people on the flight.

The success

Using Periscope and Twitter helped @TurkishAirlines reach more than 10,300 users and rack up more than 154,406 likes. Replays of the broadcast were viewed by an additional 14,967 users and generated a further 138,373 hearts. The Periscope story was picked up by many digital marketing and news aviation websites. The project reached a total audience of 4.5 million people. This helped @TurkishAirlines gain 5,000 new followers as well.

‘’The live broadcast process is really exciting…no interventions, no opportunity to cut a scene and replace it with another one, no soundtracks. We introduced a real operation, a real crew, and a real flight to the audience. It is not easy but it’s definitely a big step.’’ Elif Bora, Interactive Marketing Communication Specialist, Turkish Airlines

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nestle-aklimdangecen-1Nescafé 3in1 #Theoneonmymind

Nescafé 3in1 #Theoneonmymind

Nescafé Turkey stays top of mind with First View

Key results

  • 15%+ video view rate
  • 14.7K hashtag mentions
  • 8K+ leads

The opportunity

@Nescafe3u1arada knew that consumer passion was its best asset in reminding Turkish people why Nescafé 3in1 is their favorite coffee. The brand turned to Twitter to build on this passion and enhance its reach.

The strategy

In the run-up to its Twitter campaign, @Nescafe3u1arada ran TV, outdoor and digital ads that talked about “the most loved coffee brand in Turkey” but without naming Nescafé 3in1. This left consumers free to realize for themselves which brand came to mind.

@Nescafe3u1arada then used the hashtag #AklımdanGeçen (#TheOneOnMyMind) in Promoted Tweets that encouraged consumers to share their own Nescafé 3in1 moments. When @Nescafe3u1arada responded to these Tweets with Lead Generation Cards, consumers were able to share their email addresses with a single click to receive a surprise.

@Nescafe3u1arada used First View to ramp up conversation, which ensured that its videos appeared in Twitter’s most prominent advertising spot for 24 hours. The brand also ran #AklımdanGeçen as a Promoted Trend.

Steps to success

  1. Encourage conversation around your hashtag.

@Nescafe3u1arada inspired lively conversation by using a memorable hashtag. It invited consumers to share their stories, and using Promoted Tweets, targeted people by their interests and the @usernames they follow.

  1. Use momentum to build relationships.

@Nescafe3u1arada followed up directly with consumers who had joined the #AklımdanGeçen conversation, replying to each with a Lead Generation Card. @Nescafe3u1arada sent its new leads branded mugs and product.

  1. Take the conversation to a big audience.

@Nescafe3u1arada’s use of First View meant that, for 24 hours, when people in Turkey first visited the Twitter app or logged into, the top ad appearing in their timelines was a @Nescafe3u1arada video, and the top trend they saw was #AklımdanGeçen.

The success

@Nescafe3u1arada found that its Twitter campaign gave significant support to consumer perception of the brand’s superiority. 100% of social media conversations around the campaign were positive, and the brand exceeded its goals in terms of impressions, engagements, video views and leads. @Nescafe3u1arada took pride in the fact that its First View campaign was the first of its kind in Turkey, and the first for any Nestlé brand worldwide.

The very first implementation of Twitter’s First View tool is a small part of our journey to connect to our consumers. The results are very fantastic in all metrics, and above all, its outstanding performance supported the campaign across all digital platforms very well. Gülçin Şekerci (@sekercig), Nescafé Mixes Brand Manager, Nestlé Turkey


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