Author : genart

Genart Medya > Articles by: genart
algida-benimsecimimALGIDA #IceCreamFallFromTheSky

ALGIDA #IceCreamFallFromTheSky

A dessert brand soars into ice cream season with a TV and Twitter campaign 

Key results

  • 1,552% increase in brand mentions
  • 27.1% Promoted Trend engagement rate
  • 275K hashtag mentions

The opportunity

Although ice cream is hugely popular in Turkey, it’s not a snack that people consider very often in the off-season. This leads to a huge seasonality in ice cream sales, which mostly take place between June and August. Turkish ice cream company AlgidaTürkiye (@AlgidaTurkiye) wanted to start the ice cream season early by driving engagement among consumers and creating online buzz ahead of the summer months.

The strategy

@AlgidaTurkiye created an integrated digital marketing campaign around TV and Twitter — backed by print and digital activity — with the aim of bringing the joy of summer as early as possible to its target audience. The campaign was called “Ice Cream from the Sky.” Centering on the dream of a small child, it promised that thousands of ice creams would be dropped from the sky. @AlgidaTurkiye made this happen by using paramotors and balloons to deliver ice creams to five different cities in Turkey. For their city to be among these, consumers simply had to vote on Twitter.

The TV commercial aired at exactly 9pm on April 8 on every TV channel in Turkey. Ice cream lovers were then invited to Tweet the name of their city with the #icecreamfallfromthesky hashtag, which generated the maximum number of mentions. The five cities with the most votes were selected to host the ice cream “showers.”

The campaign, backed by a Promoted Trend, created genuine buzz and the hashtag #icecreamfallfromthesky also trended organically just 10 minutes after the TV ad aired. To encourage more people to get involved in voting,@AlgidaTurkiye promoted customized Tweets for the cities before announcing the winners on Twitter.

Excite your audience with a unique experience.

The campaign created a special experience for consumers with the magical idea of ice cream falling from the sky. This caught the imagination of @AlgidaTurkiye’s audience and encouraged them to take part in the Twitter vote to make their city one of the five which would receive the ice cream.

Use a Promoted Trend to get people talking.

@AlgidaTurkiye used a Promoted Trend to launch its campaign on Twitter. This gave it a high-profile presence on the platform and helped the brand spark conversation. The conversation grew so much that the campaign hashtag also trended organically, amplifying @AlgidaTurkiye’s reach even more.

Create a competition to drive engagement.

To make this campaign feel completely inclusive to different parts of Turkey, @AlgidaTurkiye created a competition that would bring communities together, encouraging consumers to champion their own cities.

Additionally, the company ensured that the competition was easy to enter. All participants had to do was Tweet with the hashtag and their city name.

The success

@AlgidaTurkiye significantly increased reach and brand conversations during the course of its campaign, and saw sales rise by 6%. Overall, #icecreamfallfromthesky racked up 275,000 mentions. It also helped generate a 1,552% increase in brand mentions during the campaign period.

@AlgidaTurkiye attracted 7,000 new followers and garnered more than 250,000 votes via Tweets. The engagement rate was strong throughout, peaking at 27.1% during the Promoted Trend.

‘’Twitter gave us the opportunity to make a dream come true, truly by people’s choice. Also, by using it as a dynamic communication platform, we were able to reach more people who wanted to join us in experiencing the joy falling from the sky, instantly.’’ Leyal Eskin Yilmaz (@LeyalEskin), Marketing Director, Algida

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With the emerge of local content platforms in previous years such as Zaytung, Onedio and Listelist, and social media platforms such as Snapchat and Periscope, the brands have switched to storytelling for their products rather than telling their stories over just one video or image.

We have started to educate the clients about “Seizing the moment”. These moments can either be planned like Euro2016 or can emerge suddenly like “the dress”. What we have focused on is, the necessity to participate and show the enthusiasm.

This year, in 2016, along with the traditional broadcasting, Euro2016 was one of the massive digital event. Our Brand Strategy team has done many workshops with the willing clients in order to support them to build a story and tell it over single and multi platforms.


Closer look to what #Euro2106 meant for brands on Twitter

Almost 500 local and global brands have shown their enthusiasm to the event and support for Turkish national football team via ads on different platforms both online and offline. Some of the brands like Algida, Coca-Cola, Turkcell, and Arko Men showed a strong presence on Twitter with different product uses, combinations and real time content. Many of the top brands from Turkey like Turkcell, Beko, Rexona, Clear, and Algida had used Twitter’s ad product Amplify, which enables the advertisers to sponsor the related premium content published on Twitter by a premium publisher.

How to merge Contentvertising with Data? 

We are happy to announce that in the late 2016, we will be partnering with Somera, a social listening and monitoring platform, in order to support our clients with more data and insights. With the information Somera provides us, we’ll be able to direct the clients and create better and even more effective stories for brands and make them connect with different products over different platforms. For detailed information you can visit;

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19 Nisan 2016’da gerçekleştirdiğimiz etkinliğin ana konusu; markaların Euro2016 sürecinde Twitter’ı en aktif pazarlama aracı olarak nasıl konumlandıracağı oldu. Twitter EMEA Partner Manager Scott Thwaites’in açılışını yaptığı sunumlarda Twitter Product Marketing Manager Lucy O’Dwyer “Twitter’da Videonun Gücü” sunumu ile efektif video kullanımını anlatırken, Twitter Research&Sales Stategy ekibinden Sjef Van Stiphout Türkiye Euro 2016 araştırmasını katılımcılarla paylaştı.


Scott Thwaites’in röportajına buradan ulaşabilirsiniz…



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30 Mart 2016’da gerçekleştirdiğimiz etkinlikte, MMS markalarının Mobil Uygulama Promosyonu ile performanslarını artırmak için Twitter reklam ürünlerini nasıl efektif olarak kullanabilecekleri hakkında sunumlar yapıldı.

Genart Medya CEO’su Burak Yılmaz “An’ın Gücü”, Genart Medya Satış Direktörü İlter Avcı “Twitter performans odaklı reklam modelleri ve kullanımları” hakkında konuştular. NetMarble  Pazarlama Direktörü  Aras Şenyüz ise Paramanya uygulamasının Twitter ürünleri ile performansını nasıl artırdığını anlattı.



Aras Şenyüz’ün sunumunda öne çıkan noktalar: Türkiye Twitter kampanyaları ile MENA bölgesinde

-14,1 milyon görünürlük,

-151,000 etkileşim,

-3,250,000 dönüşüm elde edildi.

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photo_2016-09-23_17-28-45#kristalelma 2015

#kristalelma 2015


Kristal Elma içerisinde farklı alanlara konumlandırdığımız Tweetwall’lar üzerinden, yaklaşık 10.000 katılımcı ve #kristalelma hashtagini takip eden Twitter kullanıcıları, Kristal Elma’da olan biten herşeyi ve tüm sunum içeriklerini takip etme imkanı yakaladı. Buna ek olarak, alanda kurmuş olduğumuz @StudioGenart’ta evente özel olarak üretilen GIF Machine ile birçok katılımcı birbirinden ilginç ve eğlenceli içerikler üreterek Twitter üzerinden paylaşma imkanı buldu.

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photo_2016-09-23_17-27-22#Research Events

#Research Events

Otomotiv, CPG ve Telco sektörlerinden marka, planlama ve sosyal medya ajanslarından davetlilerin olduğu ve bu sektörler özelinde araştırmalar EMEA Twitter Reseacrh&Sales Strategy ekibi tarafından paylaşıldı .Açılışını Genart Medya Twitter Satış Direktörü İlter Avcı’nın “The Power of #Now” sunumu ile yaptığı etkinlikte aynı Twitter Research&Sales Stategy ekibinden Louise Chow sektörlere özel araştırmaları bizlerle paylaştı.Her bir sektör özelinde  Türkiye’de gerçekleştirilen best practiceleri ise markalardan gelen yöneticiler katılımcılar ile paylaştı.

-Ford Best Practice – Okay Yalçınkaya

-Nescafe Xpress Best Practice– Yves Filippucci & Can Akyol

-Vodafone Best Practice– Tolga Güven

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